The AMSIG Annual Scientific Meeting 2023, is pleased to offer ONE meeting workshops.
3 CPD Hours can be claimed for attendance per workshop for Ultrasound Workshop 1 and 2.
Hands-on Ultrasound Workshop 1: Sonographic Exploration and Interventional Techniques for Upper Limb Nerves
Date: Friday May 5, 2023
Time: 10.30am – 1.30pm
Venue: The Ritz-Carlton, Perth,
Western Australia
Cost: $500 per person
Facilitators: Mr Daniel Walkley and
Mr Matthew Gourlay
Kindly sponsored by Canon Medical
With the assistance of MSK Australia
Join us for a comprehensive look at the ultrasound assessment of nerves of the upper limb. Lectures will provide in-depth information regarding the regional anatomy, commonly encountered pathologies, case series and best access techniques for ultrasound guided interventions. Presenter live scanning will demonstrate nerve identification and tracking plus highlight common nerve compression points. Improve your ultrasound skills during the hands-on scanning sessions with the help of the MSK Australia team, where you will have ample exposure to the latest systems provided by Canon Medical in a small group setting.
Afternoon tea will be provided.
About the Facilitators:
Matthew is a sonographer with Fowler Simmons Radiology in Adelaide, South Australia.
After completing a Degree in Medical Radiations in 1995, Matthew immediately started post graduate Ultrasound studies, completing these in 1998. After several years spent alternating between work and travel Matthew settled back in Adelaide in 2005.
A keen interest in musculoskeletal ultrasound came from a strong sporting background and working with some exceptionally skilled and experienced Radiologists.
Matthew came across to work at Fowler Simmons Radiology when they opened in 2012 as a specialist musculoskeletal diagnostic centre. Since then, he has been responsible for coordinating the ultrasound training of their radiologist musculoskeletal fellowship program, plus sonographer education and training.
Daniel holds a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and a Graduate Diploma in Medical Ultrasound through the University of South Australia. Additionally, he possesses a Doctor of Philosophy through Charles Sturt University on the topic of Achilles tendinopathy – ultrasound assessment and management. He has been an invited speaker for national and international conferences and collaborates with medical teams to provide imaging and management advice to world-class athletes. Daniel has a passion for musculoskeletal ultrasound and is currently working in Fowler Simmons Radiology, Adelaide. Along with this clinical work, he provides educational content for MSK Australia and the MSK Ultrasound Academy.
Please note, the workshop is open to AMSIG on-site Meeting attendees only at an additional cost. Numbers are limited to 20 persons per workshop.
If the workshop session/s below are showing as FULL, you have the opportunity to place yourself on a waiting list to attend. If a space becomes available, the Meeting Managers will notify you directly. Book via the online registration process.
Hands-on Ultrasound Workshop 2:
Imaging of Small Forgotten Nerves of the Upper Extremity and uncovering the known and unknown in the elbow with high-res ultrasound
Date: Friday May 5, 2023
Time: 2pm – 5pm
Venue: The Ritz-Carlton, Perth,
Western Australia
Cost: $500 per person
Facilitators: Prof Carlo Martinoli
Kindly sponsored by Canon Medical
This hands-on ultrasound workshop will be overseen by our keynote speaker Prof Carlo Martinoli who will focus on imaging a range of areas in the upper limb.
Afternoon tea will be provided.
Please note, the workshop is open to AMSIG on-site Meeting attendees only at an additional cost. Numbers are limited to 20 persons per workshop.
If the workshop session/s below are showing as FULL, you have the opportunity to place yourself on a waiting list to attend. If a space becomes available, the Meeting Managers will notify you directly. Book via the online registration process.
NB. The workshops will not be live streamed or recorded for on-demand viewing.